The country, which is the second-largest exporter of rice in the world, has asked its farmers to plant only one crop this year, instead of the usual two, to conserve water and avoid crop failure.

The country, which is the second-largest exporter of rice in the world, has asked its farmers to plant only one crop this year, instead of the usual two, to conserve water and avoid crop failure.

Rice is a staple food for more than half of the world’s population, and any disruption in its supply or price can have significant consequences for food security and inflation. According to the Bangkok Post, Thailand’s Office of the National Water Resources has developed a plan to manage the water levels in the country’s dams and reservoirs, and has urged farmers to cooperate with the authorities and follow their advice.

This article was originally published here: El Nino might cut Thailand’s rice harvest

Read the rest of El Nino might cut Thailand’s rice harvest on Thailand Business News

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